Friday, February 25, 2011

Just another day... the office. Nothing has really gone on except for the fact that I got almost ALL of my work done. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to some things. And...I have to work tomorrow. lame. That means, Jacob has to watch Kinzi. Wonder how that's gonna go? I would almost be willing to bet he goes to his parents in the morning. Which kind of irritates me. He needs to sit at home and see what I do. Anywho...I still keep checking the Staats blog and it continues to break my heart. I just want to reach out and hug her.
Tomorrow after work we are headed to a birthday party for my friend's little girls. It's going to give me a taste of what I have to look forward to and it will be nice to see my friend. My best friend from high school actually. It's crazy to think I've been out of school for 7 years. Wow!
So for lunch, I went to Target and Ulta. Once again, should have gone to the gym but I had to get formula and make up. Which, I have to add. Make up is ridiculously expensive. Give me a break. $30 for some powder. Yes, I could buy something cheaper but thank you stupid sensitive skin for being so dang sensitive! When I left there, all kinds of food was calling my name. Taco Bell, Arby's, Subway. But, I came back to work and had a chicken breast. Go me!
Waiting for 5!

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